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  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: Major Accountabilities?Collect relevant bidding information nationwide (including tender notice, the pre-announcement, tenders and procurement catalog).? Interpret the tenders and procurement catalog to remind the relevant associates of the bidding schedule? Manage products data and update the certifications of products?Track the agent inputting accurate and complete products data upon bidding start? Provide the authorization letter, bidding kit, certifications of products and patents? Assist the commercial team to draft or amend the related “appeal letter”, “inquiry letter”, “ price adjustment letter” and “recommendations on addition”? Manage the notarization of all products and the authentication of ISO and CE?Assist Commercial Manager to analyze the price of all products after bidding?Track the sales data after bidding?Management on contracts such as the procurement or cooperation contracts?Processing of internal employee payment requests?Administration on department operations, i.e. of department meeting arrangement, air tickets purchase and hotel booking?Supports to any project requestedIdeal BackgroundEducation:Bachelor DegreeLanguages:Chinese native, English written & oral preferredExperience/Professional Requirement:Have 2-3 years Bidding / Market Access assistant experience in pharmaceutical or medical device field. 职能类别: 招投标管理




爱尔康(中国) 作为全球眼科领域的领导者,爱尔康的使命是通过创新型产品,提高视觉质量,提高生活品质。这个使命意味着爱尔康22000多名员工为“保护、恢复和提高视力”的目标进行着不懈的努力与奋斗,使散光治疗,青光眼治疗,近视眼激光视力恢复矫正等等技术得到更好,更全面的普及,努力改善更多人的视力健康。 诺华和爱尔康合并后,爱尔康、视康和诺华眼科的优势融合到同一眼科保健业务,爱尔康已成为诺华集团第二大业务部门。公司合并带来的整合资源和业务覆盖的优势,爱尔康现在180个国家销售全线的眼科保健产品,包括手术产品、药品和视力保健产品,并在75个国家拥有分公司。 从一个孩子为矫正近视眼配的第一副隐形眼镜,到她的祖父母为治疗白内障而做的人工晶体植入,爱尔康的创新产品帮助各个年龄段的患者更清晰地看到世界。爱尔康的产品与高科技可用于解决诸多领域里日益增长的临床问题,例如白内障、青光眼、视网膜疾病、屈光不正、眼部过敏、眼部干涩、感染和发炎以及许多其他眼部护理需求。 在全球范围内,爱尔康有近2000名员工致力于研发工作,以满足世界上最迫切的眼部护理需求。同时,我们的业务也延伸到专业教育领域并在整个行业内处于领先水平。
