• 无工作经验
  • 招若干人
  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: 岗位职责:1.遵守公司的规章制度;Obey the regulations of company;2.负责档案的整理、装订立册,做好台帐登记,及时对归档的文件建立目录及标签;Be responsible for the tidying up and binding of the document, register the list and set up the catalogue and label of archived document;3.定期检查、核对归档文件,监销对应销毁文件档案;Check and verify the archived document, supervise the destruction of correspond document;4.负责执行档案咨询、借阅管理制度,履行借阅手续;Be responsible for the consulting and borrowing management system, comply with the borrowing procedure;5.负责文件借阅及归还确认工作并及时更新台帐,督促借阅人按时归还借阅的文件,防止遗失;Be responsible for the jobs of borrowing and returning document and update the list, supervise the borrower to return the document timely to prevent the losing;6.负责督促相关部门执行磁盘定期归档、数据备份、电子数据转移等相关工作;Be responsible for supervising the implementation of disk archive, data backup and electronic data transfer etc.;7.负责档案的安全及防护工作,严格按照SOP执行档案室管理工作,发现对档案有害因素时,及时上报并采取措施,保证档案的完整与安全;Be responsible for the the safety and protective job, strictly obey the SOP for the archive room management, when the dangerous factor of archives is found, timely report and take measure to ensure the complete and safety of archives;8.负责起草、修订与档案管理相关的文件制度;Be responsible for drafting and revising the documents relevant with the archives management;9.协助内审、外审工作;Assist with the internal and external audit;10.遵守保密制度,坚持保密原则;Obey the confidential regulation and insist the confidential principle;11.定期向直接上级汇报工作情况;Report the job to direct supervisor periodically;12.完成上级交办的其它工作。Finish the other jobs assigned by supervisor.岗位要求:1.具备医药或相关专业大专以上教育背景,从事相关工作1年以上,且熟悉GMP文件管理工作;With the education background of college degree above of medicine or relevant major, with more than 1 year related working experience and familiar with the GMP document management;2.计算机操作熟练,熟悉文秘和档案管理工作;Proficient with the PC skill and familiar with the secretarial and archives management;3.保密性强,责任心好;Good awareness of confidentiality and responsibility;4.上岗前各项考核(健康状况、培训)合格。Pass all examinations before onto job(healthy situation, training) 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药




药明生物(WuXi Biologics)是香港上市公司(代码:2269),我们是全球领先的开放式、一体化生物制药能力和技术平台,旗下包括无锡药明康德生物技术股份有限公司、上海药明生物技术有限公司、苏州药明康德检测检验有限责任公司,并在美国和英国设有子公司。公司为全球生物制药公司和生物技术公司提供全方位的端到端研发服务,帮助任何人、任何公司发现、开发及生产生物药,实现从概念到商业化生产的全过程,加速全球生物药研发进程,降低研发成本,造福病患。目前,公司规模达到2300多人,有200多位拥有海外高等学位和工作经验的海归科学家,拥有丰富的欧美市场抗体开发、生产、质量控制、临床前研究和注册的经验,打造了世界一流的生物药研究、开发及生产团队。 更多信息,请登录公司官网:http://www.wuxibiologics.com.cn/
