上海相关职位: 产品移管工程师(日语必须) 区域销售经理 QC理化化验员 产品专员 (职位编号:00891) 医药代表(精神神经产品组) (职位编号:00932) 区域市场经理 (职位编号:01741) 区域市场经理(风湿产品组) 产品经理 种植研究经理 药物制剂及质量研究副经理 (职位编号:00625)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09
Consultech - A leading agency for pharma marketing Consultech, established in 1995, is a China-based healthcare consulting and marketing communications company. Consultech has branch offices in Beijing and Shanghai and owns a professional and experienced service team. Consultech is one of the leading healthcare market consulting and marketing communications companies in China. It creates synergy to facilitate its clients' growth by integrating the local insights it has with the knowledge in international practices it learned from its experience. The company is dedicated to working together with client companies to achieve Business Success in China by providing the highest level strategic thinking and integrated one-stop shop services in market research, strategic planning & consultancy, marketing communications and advertising. Consultech works with both multinational companies and local Chinese companies. Some of the clientele include Johnson & Johnson, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Xian-Janssen, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Merck AG, Eisai, Ipsen, China Resources Corp, Fosun Pharma, etc. 康斯公司——中国医药营销专家 康斯成立于1995年,是一家国际性的专业医药战略、营销咨询和广告策划公司。现在北京和上海两地设有业务机构,拥有专业化和丰富经验的团队。 康斯是中国最早成立的医药咨询和营销传播公司之一,在市场中处于领先地位。公司的宗旨是:基于对中国医药市场的深入理解,融合国际专业理论与操作,从客户的角度思考,为医药和医疗保健公司提供包括市场调研、战略咨询、整合营销传播和广告推广策划的专业化一站式服务,帮助客户创造更大的价值。 康斯公司服务于众多跨国制药公司和本土制药企业,包括强生、诺华、诺和诺德、默沙东、卫材、德国默克、西安杨森、益普生集团、华润集团、复星医药等。 北京地址:北京市朝阳区下甸甲三号院1号楼4层尚巴创新广告园C403C室 上海地址:上海市静安区余姚路50号8号楼301室
Consultech - A leading agency for pharma marketing Consultech, established in 1995, is a China-based healthcare consulting and marketing communications company. Consultech has branch offices in Beijing and Shanghai and owns a professional and experienced service team. Consultech is one of the leading healthcare market consulting and marketing communications companies in China. It creates synergy to facilitate its clients' growth by integrating the local insights it has with the knowledge in international practices it learned from its experience. The company is dedicated to working together with client companies to achieve Business Success in China by providing the highest level strategic thinking and integrated one-stop shop services in market research, strategic planning & consultancy, marketing communications and advertising. Consultech works with both multinational companies and local Chinese companies. Some of the clientele include Johnson & Johnson, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Xian-Janssen, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Merck AG, Eisai, Ipsen, China Resources Corp, Fosun Pharma, etc. 康斯公司——中国医药营销专家 康斯成立于1995年,是一家国际性的专业医药战略、营销咨询和广告策划公司。现在北京和上海两地设有业务机构,拥有专业化和丰富经验的团队。 康斯是中国最早成立的医药咨询和营销传播公司之一,在市场中处于领先地位。公司的宗旨是:基于对中国医药市场的深入理解,融合国际专业理论与操作,从客户的角度思考,为医药和医疗保健公司提供包括市场调研、战略咨询、整合营销传播和广告推广策划的专业化一站式服务,帮助客户创造更大的价值。 康斯公司服务于众多跨国制药公司和本土制药企业,包括强生、诺华、诺和诺德、默沙东、卫材、德国默克、西安杨森、益普生集团、华润集团、复星医药等。 北京地址:北京市朝阳区下甸甲三号院1号楼4层尚巴创新广告园C403C室 上海地址:上海市静安区余姚路50号8号楼301室
中药研究员 1-1.5万/月
验证管理员 3-7千/月
(SHD) 诊断试剂工厂 生物化学家ILD Plant Biochemist I(286471)(职位编号:286471)
病理技术员 4.5-6千/月
生产主管(化妆品制药) 0.6-1万/月
销售助理 3.5-5千/月
QA资深专员 0.8-1.5万/月
总经理助理 1.5-2万/月
质量工程师(QA&RA方向) 6-8千/月
临床试验项目助理(CTA) 5-8千/月
客服专员(非销售) 4.5-5.5千/月
生物工程师 4-8千/月
QA文件专员 8-15万/年
上海相关职位: 产品移管工程师(日语必须) 区域销售经理 QC理化化验员 产品专员 (职位编号:00891) 医药代表(精神神经产品组) (职位编号:00932) 区域市场经理 (职位编号:01741) 区域市场经理(风湿产品组) 产品经理 种植研究经理 药物制剂及质量研究副经理 (职位编号:00625)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09