UFH Shared Sales Officer 和睦家医疗销售专员-Beijing-00944
岗位职责•Responsible for sales of UFH's services, including home health, rehabilitation, oncology, neurosurgery, cardiology and chronic disease management•Key representative at local hospitals in Beijing, working mostly in and around local hospitals to promote UFH services•Responsible for relationship management with institutional clients like companies, hotels, schools, and so on.•Develops promotions and partnerships with other health-related companies to promote UFH services.•Assists in the implementation of UFH marketing plans and events as needed.•Compensation will be base salary plus large commissions任职条件•Bachelor’s degree or above, master’s degree preferred•References from previous employer•At least 7 years of direct sales experience•Healthcare or pharmaceutical sales experience strongly preferred•Network of contacts at local hospitals•Proactive, self-starter•Excellent English •Communication skills - written and verbal•Ability to work independently and remotely职位概述Responsible for sales of UFH services including rehabilitation, home health, oncology, surgery and other services at and around local hospitals and other partners.部门概述和睦家医疗集团举集团之力,秉承和睦家品牌发展十五年形成的先进全面的医疗技术和成熟完善的医疗模式,推出它的专业家庭医疗服务——和睦家家庭医疗。和睦家家庭医疗是中国首批以医疗为核心的家庭护理服务之一,与一般意义上的家庭医疗服务相比,它的独特之处在于它是医疗服务,而非一般性护理服务。和睦家家庭医疗提出“医疗先行,健康到家”的口号,就是希望使我们的顾客能够在家享受高品质的医疗帮助。它以绝对的医疗专业性为前提,最大限度保证顾客接受服务的便利性,使客户两者兼得,无需在医疗因素与便利因素之间取舍妥协,从而能够专心于身体状态的维护和康复。
[展开全文] [收缩全文]北京相关职位: 医药信息代表(儿童肥胖DSM)
热门区域招聘: 重庆 北京 上海 浙江 江苏 广东 山东 湖南 安徽 河北
北京招聘企业: 叮当智慧药房(北京)有限公司 北京久峰润达生物技术有限公司 北京协和医院 北京海斯美医药技术有限公司 北京策知易咨询有限公司 北京万泰生物药业有限公司 百济神州 北京凯霖娜国际贸易有限公司好益生医院分公司 中国生物制药有限公司 国药集团工业有限公司
职位发布日期: 2015-01-21