Senior Patient Services Coordinator (Night Shift)高级客服协调员-Beijing-00887
岗位职责•Be ready to greet patients.•Provide excellent services in greeting customers.•Direct patients in the right direction, escort patients as much as possible •Explain services to patients•Promote the hospital and its services •Interact with patients with any issue, answer patient inquiries and assist patient when required with any issue,•Keep up to date with everything that is happening at UFH in order to inform patients and answer questions thoroughly•Assign medical record number for new patients•Explain registration process to new patients and assist in the completion of necessary forms.•Obtain verification of patient’s personal identification upon registration and financial insurance documents.•Enter mandatory fields of patient information and complete patient registration in the system. •Track the registration mistakes correction.•Admission, discharge and transfer of inpatients•Assist in scheduling appointments including all satellite clinics •Introduce membership information •Switchboard operator: handling incoming calls, transfers calls to relevant departments, assists in scheduling appointments, provide directions and answer general inquires etc.•Answer general patient inquiries and assist patient when needed,•Take messages on the telephone and make sure they are delivered immediately •Keep lobby and front desk tidy and orderly•Act as triage liaison calling the ER Nurse or clerk for medical issues.•Assist patients by booking airline tickets, hotel rooms, order flowers and providing patient and visitors with local information they may request.•Maintain at least 99% accuracy in daily completeness of mandatory fields report.•Help send fax, assist patient use public website, and call long distance calls.•Call security guard and/or Ayi for clinics •Maintain good working relations with all departments•Other tasks that are allotted by management.•Attend meetings as required.•Keep work area neat and organized•Comply with other assigned work by Supervisor.•Mail distributingNight shift duties also includes:•Check the daily registration accuracy, make the audit report. (when night shift)•Act as ER clerk when the clerk is off. (when night shift)•Announce codes - Red, yellow, green, pink, blue•Email appointment booking任职条件•High school education or above•One year working experience in hospitality, customer service, patient care or related fields.•Ability to handle multiple tasks at one time;•Excellent oral English and written English;•Intermediate computer skills; •Professional telephone etiquette;•Friendly and outgoing personality.•Excellent communication skills•Excellent problem solving skills职位概述To ensure patient’s registration data accurate, greet and assist patients who visit the hospital or who phone with inquiries.部门概述北京和睦家医院是和睦家医疗集团旗下的医疗机构之一。除北京外,和睦家医疗集团在中国多个城市设有医疗机构,包括上海、广州、无锡和天津。作为首家按照国际化医疗服务理念与标准创建的综合医疗机构,北京和睦家医院同时拥有国际联合委员会(JCI)和美国病理学家学会(CAP)双认证。北京和睦家医院秉承“以人为本”的宗旨,为有高端医疗需求的人群提供国际标准的医疗健康服务。自2005年起,北京和睦家医院连续通过国际联合委员会(JCI)的认证,并以此为准绳,不断关注和提高医疗服务质量。北京和睦家医院拥有一支来自20多个国家和地区的百余名的国际医生团队,为不同年龄段、不同性别的患者提供全天候、多方位、高质量的门急诊与住院服务。作为一家综合性医疗机构,北京和睦家医院拥有全科(家庭医学科)、外科、儿科、口腔科、内科、皮肤科、眼科、耳鼻喉科等科室,并设立心理健康中心。辅助科室包括药房、放射及影像科、检验科及血库。北京和睦家医院自1997年建院伊始,在中国首创家庭式产休一体化生育中心,赋予女性全新的生育理念,蜚声国内外,成为众多女性生育选择的先锋高端品牌。建院至今,和睦家生育中心已经接生了超过5000个新生儿。2011年,北京和睦家医院扩张了住院部以及门诊部。除了增加60个私人住院病房和4个国际化标准的手术室以外,还引进了最高水平的核磁共振技术以及其他综合服务项目,如心血管中心、腹腔镜手术和神经外科服务。北京和睦家医院还管理运营了六家卫星诊所,分别是和睦家顺义诊所、和睦家顺义口腔诊所、和睦家亮马诊所、和睦家建国门保健中心、和睦家启望肿瘤中心,以及2012年12月落成的和睦家朝外诊所。北京和睦家医院致力于提供卓越安全的医疗健康服务、先进便捷的门诊预约服务、医疗信息终身管理、30多家国际医疗保险直接支付、多语种语言翻译与支持、多样化的会员服务都为患者和客户提供更加方便快捷、贴心周到的星级客户服务。
[展开全文] [收缩全文]北京相关职位: 医药信息代表(儿童肥胖DSM)
热门区域招聘: 重庆 北京 上海 浙江 江苏 广东 山东 湖南 安徽 河北
北京招聘企业: 叮当智慧药房(北京)有限公司 北京久峰润达生物技术有限公司 北京协和医院 北京海斯美医药技术有限公司 北京策知易咨询有限公司 北京万泰生物药业有限公司 百济神州 北京凯霖娜国际贸易有限公司好益生医院分公司 中国生物制药有限公司 国药集团工业有限公司
职位发布日期: 2015-01-21