Chief Medical Officer 首席医务官-天津-00993
(语言\学历\工作年限等要求,请参考任职条件帮助填写)岗位职责•?Works with senior management to develop long-range plans and organizational policies•?Selects, trains/orients, and supervises departmental personnel. Responsible for workassignments and daily operations.•?Evaluates performance and recommends merit increases, promotions, and disciplinaryactions•?Ensures compliance with regulations and standards of performance for quality care•?Ensures that patients are treated in a prompt and courteous manner by staff•?Participates actively in patient complaint procedures to resolve operational problems•?Attends required meetings and participates in committees as requested•?Is an active member of the Medical Staff and regularly participates in providing medicalcare to patients.•?Participates in professional development efforts to keep current on health care trends andpractices.•?Maintains strictest confidentiality regarding patient and confidential company information•?Performs related work as required任职条件•?Medical Degree from an accredited institution•?Residency training in an accredited institution•?At least five years of experience in medical practice post training•?At least five years of experience in similar leadership capacity such as department head or Chief Medical Officer at another institution.职位概述Directs, supervises and coordinates activities of medical staff and their departments and assists inmaking overall plans for the growth and development of the institution.部门概述和睦家医疗集团是中国境内第一家按国际标准设立、诊疗技术领先的综合性医疗机构,我们的宗旨是:在家庭般温馨舒适的就诊环境里,为患者提供独特的、全方位的医疗服务.
[展开全文] [收缩全文]天津相关职位: 医药信息沟通经理
热门区域招聘: 重庆 北京 上海 浙江 江苏 广东 山东 湖南 安徽 河北
天津招聘企业: 英集(天津)文化科技有限公司 青松医药集团股份有限公司 天津红日药业股份有限公司 天士力医药集团股份有限公司 天津华裕生物科技有限公司 天津畅润华生物科技有限公司 天津海金正略科技发展有限公司 天津红日康仁堂药品销售有限公司 天津远泰医药贸易有限公司 天士力医药商业有限公司
职位发布日期: 2015-01-21