Orthopaedic Scheduler-Shanghai-00857
岗位职责Performance Requirements:Ancillary clinical work (in-person, telephone and email communication) including:●Handling patient scheduling issues (or adequately communicating these with the Patient Care Coordinator or another Orthopaedic Scheduler).oFind out patient information, reason for consultation, and referral sourceoSchedule patients according to the nature of their visitoCounsel patients regarding appropriate preparation if scheduling a clinic procedureoHelp with scheduling walk-ins, overbookings, etc. to optimize patient flow and access as well as clinic and surgeon logistics●Surgery scheduling: ohelp patients and surgeons to identify available OR time for surgeryolearn to identify potential conflicts including clinic patients, availability of surgical assistant, availability of equipment, etc.ocommunicate with the OR and other surgical services when necessary to confirm the dateoinitiate the surgical booking processoconfirm the completion of pre-operative medical testingoarrange and confirm the completion of pre-operative consultations including medical clearance, other specialties●Providing patients with support and guidance in handling insurance company requests●Filling out forms and fulfilling clarification requests by insurance companies (overseen by MD).●Responding to patient emails.●Responding to patient phone calls.●Inform patients regarding appointment times, consultation fees, procedures offered●Be able to convey to patients the surgeon’s credentials, experience and expertise ●Requires ability to communicate clearly and concisely with surgeon to determine the best way to handle patient requests. Requires on the job learning to quickly learn surgeon’s preferences.●Generate responses to patient emails and fill out forms for patients under MD supervisionAdministrative work including:●Maintain surgeon’s schedule●Confirm completion of necessary paperwork and tests prior to any surgery●Sending letters or emails to referring providers thanking them for the referral and communicating findings and recommendations.●Training and supervision of an additional Orthopaedic scheduler●Train and supervise other office staff●Maintaining a regular flow of team-building activities including juice, desserts, celebrating staff birthdays, etc.See patients in clinic with doctor and assist with ancillary care issues, including:●Documentation (overseen by MD) – requires excellent spoken, aural, and written English in both general and medical topics and a detailed understanding of the Orthopaedic History and Physical Exam.●Chaperone function when patients are required to disrobe.●Seamless coordination of care including scheduling of diagnostic studies, follow-up visits, pre-op visits, consults (internal medicine, physical therapy, etc.) outside referrals, and surgeries.●Writing letters for patients for school and work excuses, travel restrictions, and other correspondence with outside parties (overseen by MD).Long term clinical improvements including:●Help with the development of templates for Trakcare.●Help with the development of detailed pre-op and post-op protocols (“pathways”) with all involved parties including physicians, pharmacy, OR team, clinic/or/floor nursing, physical therapy, etc.●Research, order, and maintain needed supplies and equipment in coordination with surgeon, Central Supply and OR●Help with the development of multi-media educational materials for patient waiting room●Help with the development of illustrated patient education materials.●Help with the development of patient pre-op instructions—i.e. “what to expect with your upcoming surgery”.●Conduct periodic clinical and surgical workflow analysis—analyzing and preventing errors with systematic reviews and improvements in workflow.●Train other office staff regarding work-flows, supply and equipment issuesMarketing, including:●Patient outreach seminars—help to plan and organize with marketing department ●Organize special events for the office任职条件Qualifications:●Certification of fluency in English (CTE 6 or equivalent), including both oral and written communication; fluency in Chinese preferredSkills:●Highly organized and team-oriented●Ability to exercise initiative, judgment and problem-solving skills●Professional attitude and appearance●Ability to develop and maintain rapport with patientsKnowledge:●Ability to learn medical concepts and language quickly, including orthopaedic and sports medicine surgery procedure names and protocols●Computer proficiency, including experience with electronic medical records, expertise in Word and Excel, and familiarity with Trakcare职位概述General Statement of Duties: The Orthopaedic Scheduler plays a key role in our department’s marketing program. All of our marketing campaigns direct prospective patients to call our office. When prospective patients call, it is critical that they are impressed with our responsiveness and service. The Orthopaedic Scheduler is a receptionist and surgical scheduler who sees her/himself as a problem-solver who can charm patients and work with doctors to deftly fit them in when they want/need to come. S/he must enjoy using her/his creativity, intelligence, and interpersonal skills to solve complicated logistics problems involving multiple parties and departments. S/he must possess excellent interpersonal skills, be friendly and service-oriented, and possess a high sense of responsibility as a patient service provider. S/he must speak, read, and write English and Chinese fluently. 部门概述上海和睦家医院(SHU)是纳斯达克上市公司美国Chindex集团(股票代码:CHDX)和上海长宁区中心医院共同组建的合资医院,于2004年12月1日开始营业。上海和睦家医院的宗旨是:在家庭般温馨舒适的就诊环境里,为患者提供独特的、全方位的医疗服务。上海和睦家医院具有自己特定的建院目的,是一家获得JCI国际认证的综合性医院,拥有来自全球的高水平医务人员,同时可与全球40多家保险公司直接结算。上海和睦家医院设有24小时开放的急诊室,可为患者提供门诊和住院服务,医院还配备了一流的手术室、放射科、药房和化验室。上海和睦家医院在选择具有国际背景的高级医生和本土专家时,不仅考察其培训经历和专业知识是否卓越,还要考察他们的同情心、同理心以及是否真正有兴趣在多元文化环境中工作。除了具有高水平的医疗团队外,上海和睦家医院还与来自地方教学医院及亚洲地区医疗机构的医学教授和顾问建立了良好的工作关系。上海和睦家医院是值得您信赖的健康伙伴!
[展开全文] [收缩全文]热门区域招聘: 重庆 北京 上海 浙江 江苏 广东 山东 湖南 安徽 河北
上海招聘企业: 百进冠合(海南) 医疗科技有限公司 上海华茂药业有限公司 上海信谊药厂有限公司 上海强生制药 欧姆龙健康医疗(中国)有限公司 青海瑞成药业(集团)有限公司 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 复旦大学附属中山医院 上海复星医药 上海医药集团
职位发布日期: 2015-01-21