Medical Manager
职位描述:Principle Roles & Responsibilities / Accountabilities 主要职责/责任
(Major functions of the position)(职位的首要职能)
? Provide medical perspective on the relevant brand(s) under the leadership of (Senior) Medical Affairs Manager/Group Medical Manager to meet the SRPL business needs
? Periodically update medical plan to reflect the change of the competitive landscape and critical business strategy change if appropriate
? On time, quality and within budget delivery of the relevant part of the medical plan
? Actively build up internal cross-functional partnership for assigned product(s)
? Act as point of primary contact from medical science team for executional level discussion on the assigned product(s)
? Act as point of primary contact for strategic discussion for the responsible product(s).
? Work with other medical functions, including medical information service, epidemiology/outcome research, medical education, medical publications, pharmacovigilance etc. to ensure the optimal execution of the medical plan
? Work with commercial counterparts in supporting commercial activities for the assigned product(s), including medical input in the marketing strategy, external professional interaction, sales training, promotional material generation
? Develop and maintain a network of opinion leaders and experts in the assigned therapeutic areas in order to maintain and reinforce the scientific leadership of the Company under the coaching of Senior Medical Affairs Manager/Group Medical Manager
? To provide unmet medical need assessment and product value proposition to regulatory colleagues, as required by Senior Medical Affairs Manager/Group Medical Manager to ensure an optimal local registration strategy of the new product and/or new indication(s)
? To be responsible for the medical scientific elements for any data-generation activities needed for the assigned product(s)
? Ensure appropriate scientific and medical compliance, governance and risk management with the framework of optimized patient centric risk/benefit in the responsible therapeutic areas
Qualification and Experience 能力与经验
? Master Degree in Clinical Medicine or above
? At least 2 years’ MNC pharmaceutical company experience in medical related role
Leadership Competencies领导者胜任力
? Ability to drive the delivery of commitment in a matrix team
Job Required Competencies岗位所需胜任力
? Good knowledge of assigned TA/disease area
? Good communication skill
? Business Acumen
作为一家有远见卓识的跨国公司,罗氏早在1926年就来到中国。1961年在香港设立分支机构,1984年罗氏重返中国大陆市场,并于1994年成立了在中国的第一家合资企业—上海罗氏制药有限公司,总投资额为6235.7万美元,提供肿瘤学、病毒学、移植学等各类关键治疗领域的突破性药物,努力从根本上改善人们的生活质量。 2004年底,罗氏中国药品研发中心在上海张江高科技园区正式落成,再次证明了罗氏对中国的长期承诺。2007年10月29日,罗氏药品开发中国中心开幕,这是中国乃至亚太地区(不包括日本在内)第一个全功能临床药品开发中心,该中心的建立体现了罗氏在华建成了包含研究、开发、生产、营销等环节在内的完整的医药价值产业链。 2008年11月罗氏厂区扩建项目启动,同时罗氏合作部在上海成立,进一步体现了罗氏致力于在中国发展的长期承诺, 更进一步完善了罗氏现有的医药产业价值链。 2009年9月1日起,罗氏制药亚太地区总部落户上海, 罗氏药品开发中国中心也升级为罗氏药品临床研发亚太中心。 罗氏高度重视与中国社会各界的合作,尤其是与中国政府的沟通和合作。1999年3月,江泽民先生作为国家主席参观了罗氏巴塞尔总部。2005年,罗氏集团董事会与执行委员会集体访华期间,拜见了国家商务部薄熙来部长和国家食品药品监督管理局邵明立局长。罗氏集团董事会主席和CEO也有幸成为上海市市长国际企业家咨询会议(IBLAC)成员,为上海投资环境优化、医疗保健体制改革、鼓励自主创新等方面积极献策。 同时,罗氏还非常注重可持续发展,积极参与各种社会公益事业,如赈灾扶贫、捐资赠药、支持教育、关爱患者、热心环保。 作为一家知名的跨国药企,罗氏先后被授予“上海市文明单位”、“高新技术企业”、“外商投资先进企业”、上海市百家“职工最满意的企事业单位”、“中华慈善杰出贡献企业奖”等一系列荣誉。
[展开全文] [收缩全文]全国相关职位:
热门区域招聘: 重庆 北京 上海 浙江 江苏 广东 山东 湖南 安徽 河北
全国招聘企业: 吉林省金康安医药有限责任公司 重庆药研院制药有限公司 辽宁垠艺生物科技股份有限公司 迈瑞医疗 福建省福仁药业有限公司 山东海草星生物科技有限公司 南京市宏远医药科技有限公司 江门江裕映美信息科技有限公司 湖南万健康品生物科技有限公司 杭州创为健康科技有限公司
职位发布日期: 2015-07-02