直接上级:渠道部大区经理 职责说明: 1、负责区域内公司产品各种渠道的招商销售,处理区域内各项招商和销售事务,寻找开发客户、并及时跟进; 2、贯彻执行销售方针、计划,按期完成区域内的销售指标及其他任务; 3、激励、协助终端商代理商完成销售任务,与客户保持良好的关系,及时处理重要销售问题,为销售目标的实现提供保障; 4、从代理商处获取分销商信息和终端信息,建立客户档案和终端档案,与代理商共享客户资源; 5、收集竞争对手、同类产品的信息并及时汇报; 6、进行工作总结、工作汇报; 职位要求: 1、大专文化水平,三年以上招商、销售类工作经验,有丰富招商渠道者优先; 2、熟练电脑、网络、产品知识、招商流程、招商技巧、合同条款以及市场操作模式; 3、有出色的客户服务意识、普通话流利,较强的业务拓展和人际交往沟通能力; 4、诚实守信、勤奋敬业; 工作地点:福建、湖南、江西、广西、哈尔滨、北京、上海、兰州各招聘一位薪 资:提成制(基本工资+出差补助+驻地补助+绩效工资+提成)
源自德国,品质立信,沉实发展Originating from Germany, Credibility from Quality and Stable Growth德国FISHBURG渔夫堡发展逾百年,以严谨态度一贯坚持产品品质根本,深受消费者信赖并被长久传颂。正是基于 “品质立信”,渔夫堡沉实发展,已进入包括美国、日本、英国、新西兰、中国在内的五大洲40多个国家,成为世界性营养补充剂品牌。FISHBURG is a German brand with a history of over 100 years which has won trust and praise from consumers due to its strict attitude in product quality. Because of its quality concept, Fishburg has gained stable growth and has entered the markets of over 40 countries, including USA, Japan, England, New Zealand, China, etc.. It has become a global brand of nutriment products.2003年,“渔夫堡(中国)有限公司”成立,生产基地位于“广州之肺”白云山山麓,拥有专业的GMP生产厂房,并顺利通过 SFDA认证,在10万级卫生洁净厂房,以GMP生产标准严格操作,现配备有胶囊、片剂、粉剂、颗粒剂等四大流水生产线,年生产能力达10万吨以上。进入中国以来,渔夫堡传承德国严谨作风,追求产品品质的精益求精,将好的产品、好的服务传递给每一位中国消费者。Fishburg (China) Co., Ltd. was established in 2003 and its manufacturing facility is located by Baiyun Mountain in Guangzhou which has a GMP factory building and has successfully passed SFDA certification. The factory operates production in strict compliance with the GMP standard in the super hygiene factory buildings of Class 100,000 and it has four production lines for manufacturing capsules, tablets, powder and pellets, with a production capacity of 100,000 tons per year. Since its entry into China market, Fishburg has inherited its German strict work style and has been continually seeking improvement in product quality in order to provide the best products and service to every Chinese consumer.?我们注重人才,全力培养团队精英,我们提供高薪、各项奖金津贴、海外培训旅游、良好的工作环境、员工福利及个人提升空间;诚邀业界优秀人才加盟,共同创造美好明天!本公司实行每周五天工作制,良好的工作环境及薪酬福利待遇,在这里能者居上,不论年龄与资历!如条件符合,三个工作日内电约安排面试!了解公司更多产品信息,请访问渔夫堡官网和渔夫堡旗舰店!渔夫堡旗舰店:http://yufubao.tmall.com公司地址: 广州市天河区黄埔大道西100号
originating from germany, credibility from quality and stable growth
德国fishburg渔夫堡发展逾百年,以严谨态度一贯坚持产品品质根本,深受消费者信赖并被长久传颂。正是基于 “品质立信”,渔夫堡沉实发展,已进入包括美国、日本、英国、新西兰、中国在内的五大洲40多个国家,成为世界性营养补充剂品牌。
fishburg is a german brand with a history of over 100 years which has won trust and praise from consumers due to its strict attitude in product quality. because of its quality concept, fishburg has gained stable growth and has entered the markets of over 40 countries, including usa, japan, england, new zealand, china, etc.. it has become a global brand of nutriment products.
2003年,“渔夫堡(中国)有限公司”成立,生产基地位于“广州之肺”白云山山麓,拥有专业的gmp生产厂房,并顺利通过 sfda认证,在10万级卫生洁净厂房,以gmp生产标准严格操作,现配备有胶囊、片剂、粉剂、颗粒剂等四大流水生产线,年生产能力达10万吨以上。
fishburg (china) co., ltd. was established in 2003 and its manufacturing facility is located by baiyun mountain in guangzhou which has a gmp factory building and has successfully passed sfda certification. the factory operates production in strict compliance with the gmp standard in the super hygiene factory buildings of class 100,000 and it has four production lines for manufacturing capsules, tablets, powder and pellets, with a production capacity of 100,000 tons per year. since its entry into china market, fishburg has inherited its german strict work style and has been continually seeking improvement in product quality in order to provide the best products and service to every chinese consumer.
热门区域招聘: 重庆 北京 上海 浙江 江苏 广东 山东 湖南 安徽 河北
黑龙江招聘企业: 哈尔滨松鹤制药有限公司 哈尔滨派斯菲科生物制药股份有限公司 黑龙江省集冠医药有限公司 黑龙江省惠利达医药有限公司 黑龙江省恒生干细胞工程有限公司 黑龙江省仁皇医药有限公司 黑龙江省飞易达医药科技有限公司 黑龙江省普润医药有限公司 黑龙江和美妇产医院 黑龙江省宝之泰医疗器械公司
职位发布日期: 2015-07-29