Senior Interaction Designer
Key Duties:
1.Information architecture definition, interaction design and commercial design for Samsung smart TV OS, Services and APPs.
2.Cross-device(TV, mobile, tablet) interaction design and multi-device collaborative interaction design.
3.Effective communication and collaboration with project manager, software developers, designers and testers.
4.Plan and implement the development strategy of product interaction design.
1.Master degree or above in Cognitive psychology, Interaction Design, HCI and related majors.
2.3~5 years working experience in related industry: consumer electronics industry, Internet industry, etc.
3.Familiar with product interaction design and software development processes and methods, knows the industry news and trends.
4.Able to accurately analyze the project requirement and design plan, and get the final approval.
5.Has a good sense of teamwork, communication skills and personal influence.
6.Good oral and written English skills, able to communicate with oversea colleagues in daily work.
Meet the following conditions is preferred:
1.With commercialized design project.
2.With computer science background.
*Please be careful not to leak your current company's commercial secrets during the whole process on interview.
*Please confirm that your resume does not include your current company's commercial secrets.
在2010年iF Material Award上,三星的外置硬盘驱动器荣获金奖,共有5项产品榜上有名。iF Material Award由德国汉诺威International Forum Design Hannover主办,在设计材料和加工领域极具权威。2010年以家电、家具、产业设计企业等为对象,共选出42个获奖产品,三星电子的外置硬盘驱动器、全触屏手机JetHaptic
在2010年举办的iF Product Design Award上,三星电子共有21项产品获奖,再次成为获奖最多的企业。此外,在由iF主办的5个奖项(产品、材料、通讯、成套组件、内容领域)中,综合两年内的业绩进行排名,三星电子在设计师创意和累积获奖成绩方面均高居榜首。
江苏相关职位: KA代表 培训讲师 培训讲师 医药信息沟通经理 医药信息沟通经理 医药信息沟通经理(南京,镇江,扬州,泰州) 医药信息沟通经理(南京,镇江,扬州,泰州) 医药信息沟通经理(南京,镇江,扬州,泰州) 医药信息沟通经理(南京,镇江,扬州,泰州) 医药信息沟通经理(苏州,无锡,常州)
热门区域招聘: 重庆 北京 上海 浙江 江苏 广东 山东 湖南 安徽 河北
江苏招聘企业: 吉林万通药业集团药品经销有限公司 江苏吉贝尔药业有限公司 鱼跃医疗 徐州新沂市钟吾医院 丽珠医药集团股份有限公司 无锡道生中医文化发展有限公司 广东众生药业股份有限公司苏北办事处 江苏大丰同仁医院 江苏南中医丰盛健康城有限公司 江苏南京溧水区中医院
职位发布日期: 2016-12-08