Quality Compliance Manager
As the Quality Compliance Manager you will support the global QMS and Compliance affairs for international medical device manufacturing facility, principally with ISO13485 standard and 21 CFR 820 regulations and by preparing analysis and monitoring of conformance of regulatory guidelines for the company.
Primary Responsibilities
• Support Quality Manager with Compliance Monitoring and support the implementation of the monitoring programs;
• Provide support and assistance to business to ensure the business monitoring plans of specified operations within each focus area are developed and executed as required;
• Conduct appropriate follow-up and periodic monitoring activities to ensure remediation and corrective action plans are implemented and carried out;
• Collaborate with internal departments to support and continuously enhance Compliance Monitoring and training;
• Effectively utilize various technical applications, navigating through various data systems, gathering and analyzing data from multiple relevant sources in order to identify trends, patterns of non-compliance and or gaps in established key controls, processes and/or procedures;
• Establish credible cross-functional business relationships to ensure collaboration, adherence to and maintenance of established work programs and processes;
• Support timely and effective communication and implementation of any new deliverables based on the outcome of monitoring, investigations, risk assessments and corrective action remediation plans.
• Support investigations of reported compliance related issues and help ensure internal investigations are conducted timely and according to established policy and standard processes;
• Collaborate with the business departments to support internal audit preparation and remediation actions, and effectively communicate audit observations and best practices;
• Effectively share and communicate monitoring observations, support the development of plans with Quality Manager;
• Perform other duties as assigned.
The successful candidate will have:
• 3+ years of hands on experience with quality compliance, preferably within medical device manufacturing.
• Hands on experience with ISO13485 and 21 CFR 820 regulations
• Must be Bi-lingual English and Mandarin, written and spoken
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Proficient with computer programs, Word, Excel, etc.
深圳市保安医疗用品有限公司成立于1990 年,是一家集医疗器械研发、生产、销售于一体的国家高新技术企业,同时也是中国医疗器械行业协会高分子分会理事单位,深圳市医疗器械行业协会副会长单位,深圳市预防医学会常务理事单位,广东省医疗器械管理学会会员单位,深圳市医疗器械质量管理促进会会员单位,并被深圳市企业评价协会同意接纳为“深圳承诺·诚信企业联盟单位”。
深圳保安自创立以来,一直严格按照生产质量管理规范的要求,进行质量管理并成功通过了北京国医械华光认证有限公司ISO9001、ISO13485 、欧盟CE、加拿大CMDCAS质量体系认证,公司制造的产品也通过了欧盟CE、美国FDA、加拿大CMDCAS、韩国KFDA认证。
公司拥有三类和二类医疗器械产品注册证书16个,具有从设计、注塑、印刷、装配到灭菌全套自动生产线,同时还拥有检测设备、仪器先进完善的物理实验室,化学实验室及生物实验室,生产规模可达年产能一次性使用无菌注射器1亿支,一次性使用输液器6千万套,高压造影注射器300万套, 其它产品5千万套。
因具备成熟的自主研发实力和完善的创新体系,深圳保安生产的所有产品,不管是核心部件,还是关键技术均为自主研发,其中,一次性医用产品的技术和品质水平更是在国内占据了领先优势。截止目前,公司已取得22个实用新型专利和6个软件著作权,并先后于 2011年、2015年荣获“深圳市高新技术企业”和“国家高新技术企业”的称号。
广东相关职位: 市场推广经理 医药信息沟通经理(广州) 销售总监 医药招商经理 质量管理部部长 固体车间主任 设备管理员 质量负责人 商采总监 工艺员
热门区域招聘: 重庆 北京 上海 浙江 江苏 广东 山东 湖南 安徽 河北
广东招聘企业: 中山大学附属第一医院 广东奥博药业有限公司 广州肯爱医药生物技术有限公司 珠海柯诺医疗科技有限公司 广东宏健医疗器械有限公司 贵州益佰制药股份有限公司 深圳华声医疗技术有限公司 广州市天河区棠下街社区卫生服务中心 广东联合亚太食品药品物流股份有限公司 广东联合亚太食品药品物流股份有限公司
职位发布日期: 2018-05-23