MSL - 杭州
1. Field based KOL/Speaker Development
1). Identification/ mapping of KOLs.
2). Develop professional relationships with the targeting KOLs and build advocacy and gain
contributions of KOL/decision-makers .
3). Proactively Visit, Track, analyze and reports targeting KOLs advocacy, contribution and
publication status in required system and KOL management tool as appropriate.
4). Provide and discuss scientific information and data regarding new launched products to
healthcare professionals to ensure quality and accuracy of key medical and scientific
information on new treatment options by face to face visits speaker training and
scientific communications.
5). Scientific support of speaker training activities in the region with timely feedback.
2. Information Management and Meeting/Events:
1). May function as the Novartis medical speaker to present at Novartis/Society sponsored
activities for up-to-date data based scientific and clinical information on Novartis
2). Liaise and provide up-to-date medical support to facilitate listing of products in medical
guidelines, RDL, formularies as appropriate.
3). Participate in cross functional meetings as appropriate and sharing feedback of
targeting KOLs advocacy and contribution.
4). Prepare and tailor speaker slides in alignment with NP4 and Medical strategies.
5). Manage unsolicited requests /objections comply with NP4 and China legal and
regulatory requirements.
3. Clinical Trials and Medical Affairs Studies
1). Contribute to the identification and recommendation of appropriate KOL involvement
and participation in Novartis sponsored clinical trials (PMS, Phase III and Phase IV studies) from assigned region.
2). Conduct or Coordinate third party trials/animal studies/registry or epidemiology programs inassigned region and operation / follow-up the above program with Trial Master File to archive all relevant documents in align with Novartis SOPs.
3). Evaluate requests to research fund as they pertain to Medical Affairs activities
1. Clinical bechelor degree or higher (perferable with 2 yrs of clinical practice experience)
2. Proven ability to develop and foster peer-to-peer, credible relationships in order to educate and influence KOL's / decision makers.
3. Working knowledge of Healthcare System and of the clinical trial and research procedures as well as the ICH guidelines, GCP and other ethical guidelines relevant to the pharmaceutical industry.
4. Thorough knowledge of clinical medicine, disease management, and medical research in at least one therapeutic area.
5. Ability to synthesize recent scientific information, analyze within strategic and regulatory settings.
6. Proven ability to use IT tolls and interface effectively with a variety of technical platforms。
7. Strong personal integrity, and customer focus.
8. Excellent interpersonal communication, negotiation and advances presentation skills.
9. Effectively contribute to multifuctional teams.
10. Must be able to adapt, organize, prioritize, and work effectively in a constantly changing field based environment.
诺华公司(NYSE: NVS)总部位于瑞士巴塞尔,业务遍及全球140多个国家和地区,拥有96,700位全职员工。公司为患者和社会提供医药保健解决方案,以满足其日益变化的需求。诺华专注于医药保健的增长领域,拥有创新药品、成本节约型非专利药品、预防性疫苗及诊断试剂,以及消费者保健产品等多元化的业务组合,以此最好地满足患者和社会的需求。诺华是唯一在上述四大领域均处于领先位置的公司。诺华集团2008 年实现净销售额增长 9%(以当地货币计为 5%),达415亿美元,经营收入增长 32%,达90亿美元。全球范围内,制药(专利药)业务增长势头强劲,疫苗及诊断试剂以及消费者保健品业务也有良好表现。
诺华源于拉丁文novae artes,意为“新技术”。公司的中文名字——诺华,取意承诺中华,即承诺通过不断创新的产品和服务致力于提高中国人民的健康水平和生活质量。诺华在中国有七家企业和一家综合研发中心,分别是北京诺华制药有限公司、苏州诺华制药科技有限公司、山德士(中国)制药有限公司及山德士贸易有限公司, 上海诺华贸易有限公司, 上海视康贸易有限公司,上海诺华动物保健有限公司, 诺华(中国)生物医学研究有限公司,总投资超过3.3亿美元。目前诺华在中国雇员超过3,500人,2008年总销售额超过33亿元人民币,比2007年增长29%。
作为公司的价值观,诺华在历经250年的发展过程中,在实现业务增长的同时,也为患者和员工提供关爱。目前,尽管全球经济正面临衰退的压力, 诺华仍将会继续加大在华投资力度, 支持在华业务可持续的增长和扩展。在人才培养方面也进一步加大投入,将成立诺华中国大学。同时,诺华将在中国创造更多就业机会,邀请更多人才加入公司,员工总数将会实现20%增长。这表明诺华对中国市场的信心,更是对“承诺中华”的更好实践。
2009年对于北京诺华制药而言是“锐势薄发”的一年,将有密固达®(骨质疏松)、米芙®(移植)、Lescol® XL(降血脂)、Trileptal® OS(抗癫痫)、Exforge®(抗高血压)和Cibadrex®(抗高血压)等六个创新产品在中国上市,为广大患者提供更多有效、安全的药物选择。2008年北京诺华制药通过实施“厚积”项目完善了公司的各项管理制度和流程,提高了运营效率和整体竞争力。在未来五年里,通过开展“薄发”项目,北京诺华制药力争在业绩、人才、企业美誉度等各方面成为中国医药行业“标杆企业”。
浙江相关职位: KA代表 KA代表 KA代表 KA代表 培训讲师 医药信息沟通经理 医药信息沟通经理(杭州) 商务内勤 KA代表 护肤品产品专员
热门区域招聘: 重庆 北京 上海 浙江 江苏 广东 山东 湖南 安徽 河北
浙江招聘企业: 浙江佐力药业股份有限公司 河南宛东药业有限公司 杭州安杰思医学科技有限公司 浙江中法制药有限公司 贵州益佰制药股份有限公司 福成堂大药房 杭州杏园科技有限公司 杭州诺康医疗器械有限公司 浙江正京元大药房连锁有限公司 杭州明兴生物科技有限公司
职位发布日期: 2019-04-04